Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tips to Taking Time Out

No matter how busy life gets, it's so important to take some time for yourself. I know, I know, I'm probably one of the worst culprits for having too much on my plate ... but the truth of the matter is that the best thing you can do for your kids and your productivity at work is to have energy to be the best you can be. The more rested, alert and less stressed you are ~ the more you'll be able to give of yourself in the areas that mean the most to you. Here are my top "me time" tips:
1. Book a spa day (or at least one self-indulgent service) 4-6 weeks in advance so you're more likely to make arrangements. Ask your spouse, a friend, a parent, a neighbour or your daycare provider to give you an extra couple hours.
2. If you've got little ones who nap, forget about getting the laundry done while they're down, a cat nap for you can go a long way. There will always be more laundry. 
3. For those of you in the corporate world, make sure to close your office door or go for a walk at least once during the day. The fresh air and break from the computer will help you rejuvenate big time. ~ KLB

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