Cherish every moment |
For those who may be expecting your first child, have young ones in school, or plan to start a family in the near future, remember there's something to be said about setting a good example on the home front. No matter how busy we are there's no excuse for taking your stress out on your kids or significant other. Life's way too short! When you get home from the office, turn off the computers and cell phones, and spend some quality time with your loved ones. Most of us only have an hour or two after making our way home before it's time to hit the sack so cherish every moment and know that today's unfinished work will always be there tomorrow. Tonight I came across a great article while researching influential mommy blogs that reinforced this notion. Check out this post by Dr. Christine Carter: http://huff.to/dLIjtf ***Ladies, are you raising happiness at home? ~KLB